I enjoyed the challenge of rendering these humble vegetables in paint.

I enjoyed the challenge of rendering these humble vegetables in paint.
I’m calling this one “Toms ‘n Lydia”! (knock knock … Get it?)
I really enjoyed working out these subtle variations of colour. That luscious Cad Red Light – I could almost eat it. (I said ‘almost’!)
Been looking at some inspiring “Daily Paintings” lately, and while I don’t yet have the stamina or the self-discipline to finish a painting every day, I like the idea of not being too ambitious and focusing in on a modest subject rather than trying to produce an epic masterpiece! This is my first effort, also trying to use the paint more loosely and thickly and not fussing over tiny details. Plenty of room for improvement, but I can see myself making some progress.
I couldn’t resist a bit of fun with grumpy Nigel, the highland cow! Capturing the essence of these lovable creatures on canvas is more difficult than it looks!
[Check this ‘For Sale’ link, to find out if it’s still available.]